Last year fourth graders learned about how humans can work to reclaim a body of water such as the Gowanus Canal. This year they got to see environmentalists at work. They got to see a floating island launched into the Gowanus.
Amanda's and Laurie's kids are cheering some rowers on. |
What are they dragging with them? A floating island.
Voting for different features to be placed near the Gowanus using for good idea, orange for so so idea, red for not a good idea. No one wants a parking lot. but playground got a mix of votes. |
What is the job of the domed sections of the island? Ask a fifth Ask a fourth grader later in the year! |
Will be anchored in canal close to 7th Street near the Smith and 9th Street Station. |
Thank you Gowanus Canal Conservancy. |
And a special thank you to Jessica Roberts of Balmori Design Associates for inviting us to share in this amazing experience and for the terrific photos.