Sunday, October 14, 2018

Archaeology 101 with BNS Fifth Graders

How did the Maya live thousands of years ago?  Students used trowels, brushes, and strainers to meticulously uncover artifacts and possible answers to that question.  Surprising how careful they were.  (Only found 4 artifacts in the back dirt after kids were done. We are replacing strainers with aquarium screens thanks to JE. Might help.)

 As students worked they mapped their finds.

"That red soil may be a clue!"

After uncovering artifacts, we stopped and took a photo of each "site".  Next day, students removed artifacts and placed them on their site covers using the map and the photo from the first day to help them place the artifacts.  Artifacts found in the back dirt, were bagged and labeled but not put on the map.

Each student selected one of the artifacts found at their site to investigate, by drawing, measuring, and hypothesizing about it and its use. 

Then they shared with their team thoughts about what people did at their site. 

Students had a chance to walk around to see other sites.  And made some cool discoveries!  Watch as archaeologists from neighboring sites piece together their ideas.

Turns out having a mom who loves chocolate is helpful when uncovering clues.

At the end, each team had a chance to present their findings and hypotheses.

What's next?  As students research and experience labs and visit museums they will refine their ideas about their sites and artifacts.  Can't wait for all of the surprises in store for them.

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