Monday, June 17, 2024

A Congregation of Praying Mantises Emerged June Share Day

To the delight of visitors to the BNS Farm a large number of nymphs showed up.  Alert and ready to dine.                                                   

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ecorama June 6, 2024

Another chance to reflect on the wonders of nature as seen through the eyes of children. The rainy forecast was wrong...sunny enough to make some solar oven nachos.   To quote one pre-K student at the transformation of the schoolyard:  "This is epic."  

Overlook:  Transition Time 

What's New?

        BNS Arts Committee Dyeing to Weave

Be sure to stop by and add a strip to the weaving.

Visiting teachers from Brazil Raised Awareness About Managing Water...

Making Magnetic Clothespin Fridge Clips  and Lavender Sachets

                       Medgar Evers College  TIP Student Presenters

Lisa Bowstead of Murphy's String Figures

Shaved Ice with Condensed Coconut Cream or Fruit 

Overlook 2:  From Seed to Fruit

And some oldies:

Seed Balls

Flower Pounding:  Tataki Zome

Student Teachers

Renewable Energy

Pond Study

Terrarium in a Bottle

Farm Inspired Calendar Art (with Anna)

Insect Scientist Sarah 

Rainwater Runoff by Murray

Butter Making With Amy Binin

Blender Bike Fruit Smoothies with Bill Fulbrecht

Solar Oven 

Third grade greeting card fund raiser for Jane Goodall

Whirling Button


Golf Ball  Runs and Water Pipe Systems


Fresh Greens & Salad Dressing

Voting for Water Bottle Designs

Thank you Julie, Josh, Rachel Vales, Taryn, Jessica Tully, Amy Brown, Shannon, Jennifer Garcia, Dalisa, Gisela, Lindsay and Damaris for the pix and videos.