Friday, June 14, 2024

Outdoor Reading Nook Funded by A Neighborhood School Grant

Green Reading Buddies: Kids Inspiring Kids: An Update

After some challenges with design decisions, we finally created the Reading Nook to make a space in our outdoors for a reading room.  Designed initially for our kindergarten and third grade buddies, we now see that this reading nook will serve the entire community as a place to read, reflect, chat, imagine, and play.  And it happened because of a  Neighborhood School Grant, and the hard work of a parent, David  Valentin, the designer and builder; his father in law, Ed Kelly,  BNS BCS  Information Technologist, and Johanna Esteras, Sustainability Coordinator. 

David's original drawing

Trying to imagine how many students will fit on the Reading Nook.

That's David in the upper left hand corner.

Seems to be the preferred seating arrangement.

Ropes for plants to climb


Some books left as a provocation to read...

Spotted at the Reading Nook:  It worked!

"When adults facilitate these kinds of powerful opportunities and create the time and space for them to occur, the dividends, immediate and long-term are profound."  Doug Elsass, kindergarten teacher writing about the  Green Reading Buddies Program

To come soon:  

A mini library on a post.

And a storage bench:  

Thank you to Two Trees and the Walentas Family Foundation.



1 comment:

  1. Stunning! Thank you for your vision and creativity in bringing this reading nook to our community. - Rachael W.
