Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Think We Have a Big Question to Answer

On his own, a first grader took harvested peppers and planted them in an empty bed.

And a friend came to help him.

The Question:  Which part of a plant will grow into a new plant?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

City Hall Activists

Fifth Graders, accompanied by Johanna and Polly, testify  about a potential $.10 fee on plastic bags to the City Council.

"Plastic bags cost way too much money," Micah Abrams-Tweed, a student at Brooklyn New School told a room full of students, reporters, advocates and council members in City Hall's red room. "They cost New York City $10 million just to bring to the landfill."  Link to full article

Later students go back to debrief Anna.  They discuss the complexities of the issue and the impact of a tax on New Yorkers of all incomes.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Three Sisters Garden Harvest...

Last year's fourth graders planted a garden using seeds they harvested in the fall...
And this year's fourth graders continued the tradition...

Seed saving

Soil amending...

Sketching and if you look closely...parents are dishing out squash soup, popcorn, green beans for students to feast on after work is over...


Thanks to volunteers:  Michael, Tish, Dani, Fatima, Sung, and Kirsten.  Camera shy:  Nneka, Josh, Cora, Elissa, Chris.