Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Monarchs: Silver Lining

Fifth Graders will be raising and releasing monarchs again this year.  One net for hybrid kids will stay in school--in the Ecocasita.  Each fifth grade teacher will take one note home for all remote.  And a pandemic silver lining...We learned that florist tubes make it much easier to keep monarchs' food supply...milkweed leaves...alive and the nets clean!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Essential Workers: BNS First Grade Farmers

First grade students visit farm thanks to Johanna.  So awesome! Check out other images in a book created by Bill.

 Book in PDF

Thursday, September 10, 2020

B 'n S: Two Guppies Survive March through September

B 'n S Swimming in Tank 

2019-2020:  Carrie and Jess created a pond in a tank.  Left alone for 6 months,two guppies,  renamed B 'n S made it through.  Without anyone to care for them! Like these fish, may the  BNS Community  make it through and flourish in 2020-2021.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Waste Water? Not at BNS!

Johanna created a grey water system at BNS Farm!  

Thanks to Sen, parent of two BNS alumni,  the original pipe was replaced with something more long-lasting.

Fittingly, the container that captures the gently used water is grey.