Thursday, May 30, 2013

BNS Awarded Silver Flag and $500 Thanks to Josh's Class


I know this is long but I wanted you to get the full picture...

In case you have been wondering why Josh's classroom lights have been off...

In an attempt to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emission at our school, Josh's class decided to join 5 other public schools (PS 295 and PS308  in Brooklyn, PS 69 and PS/MS3 in the Bronx and PS 199 in Manhattan) in the Eco-Schools USA Cool School Challenge. 

The class started the challenge back in April by conducting a classroom energy/waste audit. Kids used  a interactive carbon calculator to log in the data. The class used the data they collected to created and implement a plan to reduce carbon emissions in their classroom. They conducted the energy audit again after taking action for a month.They used the interactive carbon calculator to calculate how much CO2 they reduced.

Collectively, the schools diverted 795 pounds of CO2 per week during the time they  implemented the challenge. According to Eco-Schools USA that is the equivalent to the carbon sequestered/removed by 9.2 trees seedlings grown for 10 years.

Each school won $500 for their efforts. BNS also  earned a Silver Flag Award from Eco-School USA for completing the Eco-Schools Energy Pathway.

Classroom Audit

Electricity- Classroom Lighting
They looked at how many light bulbs turn on when they turned on the light switch? How much electricity does each bulb use in watts? How many hours a day are the light on? What types of bulbs do we use?

Solid Waste- Garbage / Recycling
How many full bins does the classroom fill each week? Does the class recycle?How much paper is used? Are both sides used? Does Josh drink coffee, water? Does he use reusable mugs/ disposable cups? 

Transportation- getting to and from school
They interviewed Josh for this...How does Josh gets to school? how many miles? does he carpool, walks, rides a bike, public transportation ....?

Energy- Vampires( devices that use energy when they are turned off...computers, smart boards, printers...) 
How many devices are in the classroom that use energy? What mode are they in, active, sleep/standby, power strip/unplugged?


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